Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Naughty Mnemonics

I'm hooked on mnemonics. A well-known mnemonic is used to memorize the 12 cranial nerves:
I-Olfactory nerve
II-Optic nerve
III-Oculomotor nerve
IV-Trochlear nerve
V-Trigeminal nerve
VI-Abducens nerve
VII-Facial nerve
VIII-Vestibulocochlear nerve/Auditory nerve
IX-Glossopharyngeal nerve
X-Vagus nerve
XI-Accessory nerve/Spinal accessory nerve 
XII-Hypoglossal nerve
The mnemonic? In fact, there are several ways to remember it. But the most common one is the dirty one: Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel a Virgin Girl's Vagina And Hymen. (or, at the end, Ah, Heaven)

Yeah, I wasn't so keen on that either. A bit creepy even. Obviously, it's a carryover from the days when medicine was a male-dominated field. So, talking to M, I asked if there weren't a female answer to it. Not that he knew of. Incredibly unfair. Searching around, I was surprised to find no equally dirty version for females. However, I found lots of G-rated ones. So, I decided it was due time to have a "female" version. And here's what I came up with: Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel a Virile Guy's Very Ample Hard-on. So, there!

PS: If you'd like to take a stab at creating your own fun mnemonic, feel free to add it in the comments section. :)

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