Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Last Essay

Last night, I handed in my last English Comp I essay. Next week's class is the two-part final exam: summarizing an essay and then writing an essay. Nice thing about English class is, it doesn't really require much (any?) preparation. This time, we weren't given a topic, so I can't even make a mental draft.

When I first took this class, I thought it a waste of time. I have a BA after all! (haha) In retrospect, I found it really helpful to learn the basics of writing well. I'm not sure I had ever been properly taught. Or, more likely, I just didn't pay attention/didn't try/didn't care. I still think I suck at it, but it makes one appreciate good writing after sweating bullets to grasp the right word or phrase and make it all sound coherent—something that happens to me even when talking!

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