Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I've become a geek. Well, maybe I've always been one and never knew. In an effort to keep my "back to school" anxiety at bay, I've been spending some free time trying to get a head start on some class subjects. Organic chemistry is one of them. I'm terrified of it! Mainly because I know nothing about it except for the horror stories back in college days. A volunteer acquaintance who is headed to med school gave me her study aide book used for her Org Chem I class. I started reading it and doing the exercises a couple months ago. Surprisingly, I actually found it made more sense and was more interesting then General Chemistry in college. Maybe I just haven't gotten too deep into the subject yet, but it helped soothe my nerves.

Another class that I'm nervous about, solely for the sheer amount of information to be memorized, is Anatomy + Physiology. With any luck, I'll be taking both I and II this summer. With greater luck, I'll survive the condensed schedule without losing my mind. To help with that, I've scoured iTunes for anything useful in getting an edge. I found a great iTunes U vodcast of instructional lab classes going over each of the anatomical systems. They're basic and straight forward, easy to follow with helpful mnemonics and other tips. Excellent for a beginner like me. Let's hope the info sticks.

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