Friday, July 9, 2010

Off Running

Well AP II started by hitting the ground, running. With me chasing. Two days after our first class, we had our first quiz (lab). I received 20/21, so I'm happy about it. Nonetheless, the first week has been a crazy blur. The professor moves pretty fast and my notes are all over the place for lecture. Our first lecture exam is Wednesday!

The material for the class focuses on the systems. Right now, we're on the circulatory system and already dissected a fetal pig last Thursday. We were only looking at organs and circulatory system. Compared to high school, it seemed somewhat of a waste as I remember we had our pig for weeks, moving layer to layer. However, our last lab test is the fetal pig practical, so we had better know what everything looks like!


Oscar said...

did you eat the pig when finished with it? :)

Oscar said...

good, but you need to sleep too, and enjoy the life, you deserve it