Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ikigai (or Reason for Being)

Between the Folds: The Science of Art; The Art of Science. I stumbled upon this film back in December. As it turned out, it was about to be on PBS so I made sure to watch it. (It's also available on iTunes) In one segment, a group of scientists at MIT discuss studying the folding of proteins that may help develop drugs to fight diseases.

Not only am I a paper fanatic, but I find it so fascinating because it deals with two disciplines that I constantly find myself see-sawing between: Art and Science. Who's to say they should even be separated? This short film shows the interconnectedness of both. For much of our life, we are taught as though they are divided; in fact, they make a whole. As the film mentions, "It seems artists and scientists are not as different as we often think."

I was originally a Botany major till late in my junior year when I changed to Environmental Studies in order to graduate on time. But I had been fascinated by Graphic Design and ended up making a career of it. Ironically, here I am, coming back around to science.

This film also made me think of the Japanese term "ikigai", or the reason for being. That which gives you reason to live. I liken it to finding a passion for something that makes you want to get up every day. Since starting my studies I feel I've found my ikigai. I felt stagnant in a job that wasn't satisfying. I thought one day: what can I do to make it different? Do I want to be doing this forever? Or do I continue just not feeling fulfilled in a job? Suddenly, my stagnant job has less control of my well-being and I'm moving in a direction I'm much more excited about.

I highly recommend watching this film and finding your ikigai.

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